For the month of June we will have no general membership meeting, but rather a strategic planning session amongst current Builder, Associate and Affiliate level members. Members will be able to provide advice and counsel for the direction of the Association over the coming years, as well as provide input on services that will benefit our community, our association and the building industry.
In addition, our SD HBA Executive Director, Teresa O'Keefe (see bio below), will be assisting with the planning process. We would like Builder, Associate, and Affiliate members to attend for balanced input. For all members that would like to be part of this project, please email Tom Paulson at
Teresa O'Keefe
Teresa O'Keeffe, the Executive VicePresident of our South Dakota Home Builders Association, will be in town to facilitate ourupcoming strategic planning session on June 21st. She is an accomplished association management professional with more than 20 years experience with organizations in the home building industry. As NAHB Staff Vice President, she developed the Regional Services program, conducted Regional Leadership Conferences and the Executive Officers Seminar. She was responsible for training all of NAHB’s facilitators and conducted strategic plans for various companies and national organizations, including Honeywell and the Home Energy Rating Systems Council.